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One Comment

  1. Paul Scarth

    I don’t want to be all negative, but… being somebody who was born and brought up in Dewsbury for over 35 years I’ve seen its steady decline over the years. Like many towns, up and down the country, this has been down to the lack of footfall and the closing of shops from the likes of out-of-town retail opportunities and the emergence of online shopping.
    Dewsbury has a long, long way to go to try and encourage the footfall it needs to make the town thrive again. The arcade is a start, but we’ve been here before. Unless it’s professionally run with plans in place that actively support the people who run the spaces within, I feel we’ll be back to square one in no time.
    The town needs to encourage the younger generation (Kirklees college students) to actively use the town. Gone are the days of the older / middle aged populous wanting to shop within the town. These people are shopping online or traveling to the local supermarkets to shop. Those who claim they want to shop in the town are often those who just reminisce about the good, old times who will sadly probably never step foot in the town again.

    The town and its developers need to learn from their mistakes – of which we can all agree there’s been many. Bringing in outside support and guidance is a great start but there’s a mighty long way to go!


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