What is the 2010 Equality Act?

The Equality Act came into force on 1 October 2010. The act is an important piece of legislation that aims to protect individuals’ rights and provide equality for all.

It takes all equality laws over the decades and combines them together, simplifying them in one source.

It legally protects you from any discrimination you face in either your workplace or wider society. 

Under the Equality Act 2010, there are four main types of discriminations that the act explores: direct, indirect, victimisation and harassment.

This is so you understand what kind of behaviours are acceptable in any situation and circumstances.

The act covers and protects you from any difficult situations, despite any factors. It details nine protected characteristics where it’s unlawful to discriminate. These include:

  • Age.
  • Disability.
  • Gender reassignment.
  • Marriage and civil partnership.
  • Pregnancy and maternity.
  • Race.
  • Religion or belief.
  • Sex.

The 2010 equality act aims to protect individual rights and liberties

The full details on the 2010 Equality Act can be viewed here.

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